Sunday, 12 March 2023

Workbench today.

After a long hiatus, here are the latest models I am working on - British forces for Flanders 1793-5.  

The British sent two Brigades, one of three battalions of line infantry and a Guard brigade - one battalion of Grenadiers, Coldstream and Scots Guards.  There was a composite battalion of skirmishers.  

The cavalry were regiments of Light and Heavy Dragoons.  

Here are the models completed to date:

Line infantry

10th  Light dragoons

6th Heavy Dragoons

These will be based and made game ready... soon.

Saturday, 11 March 2023

BBB Bash Day IV - Leeds 1st July 2023 - Update 11 March 2023

 Bash Day update – 11 March 2023


Dear All


As available on other forums/media......

Here is the latest update for BBB Bash Day, 1st July 2023.


1.     Dedicated email.  We’ve set up an email for booking the BBB Bash day.  The address is:

2.     We are now opening the sign up lists for games – just send an email and we’ll add you to a game.  As this is early, everyone should get their first choice.  We’ll book people in to the morning session unless notified otherwise.

3.     We’re pleased to announce that Bruce McCallum will be bringing his 28mm Zulu game.  Chris Pringle recently provided an AAR on the “Bloody Big Battles” blog.  Bruce is offering Isandlwana or Nyezane.  It looks fun!


We still have room for more games, so if you are thinking of hosting a game, please do not hesitate to contact us.


We trust that this is clear, if not, please do not hesitate to contact us on the new email!!




Chris and Colin

Bleeding Big Bash Day Team