Gallery 1 Austrian 1792-1798 BBB Army

 The Austrians were the most consistent of Napoleon's foes, coming back from defeat after defeat to continue to try to re-establish their rule & influence over the middle of Europe.

Having built the French revolutionary army, I turned to the Austrians.  Whilst the Austrian uniform remained fairly consistent (white coats and trousers), their headgear went through 3 distinct styles - 1792-1798 Kasket, 1798-1809 Raupenhelm and 1809 onwards Shako.

Someone suggested the Baccus AWI loyalist troops as good proxies for troops in Kaskets, I bought a packet, was convinced and  started painting....

The Army  

The Generals

The General figures are accompanied by mounted escorts.  All wear the Tricorne. 

Generals in close up....  the boss - 

Other leaders....

Heavy Cavalry - the Kuirassiers

Front left are the Karabiniers, with yellow lace edging to their hats.  Kuirassiers wore black painted front armour, but none at the back.

Here are some closeups...  Karabiniers


Medium Cavalry - Dragoons

Light Cavalry - Cheveaux Legere

The uniform was in transition from green to white, with either colour being correct, depending on the regiment.  These were featured in an earlier blog here - there is now a regiment in both green and white.

Light Cavalry - Hussars & Lancers

As the uniforms for the Lancers & Hussars are basically the same in the whole period, I use my 1809 cavalry.  As I haven't done the 1809 Gallery yet, here's what they look like!


The Austrian Grenadiers were the elite of the army and used for assaults.  I've included a rear view to show the brightly coloured patches on the rear of the bearskins.

Line Infantry

I've picked 3 units for close ups, they are actually a real pleasure to convert and then paint.  You can follow the troop conversion story hereheretherehere againthere again and finally here.

Light Infantry

Grenz infantry - wore brown or white coats, shakos or caskets.  The Red cloak is a traditional sign of military service.  It also makes for a colourful unit!

Jagers - at this time the Jaegers wore the kasket 

Wurmserische Freikorps - Mike, my regular opponent in Leeds, gave me the figures, who are Zoaves from the ACW.  With their red fezs, short jackets & baggy trousers, they proved to be ideal for these troops.  I've modelled two bases - one for line formation and one as skirmishers.

O'Donel Freikorps - resplendent in green jackets with red facings, another colourful irregular unit to add to the mix.


Luttich Freikorps - in real life quite a small unit, but another dash of colour on the battlefield.


Austrian gunners wore brown, with a mix of Tricorne or Korsehut headgear.

 As ever, I hope this page inspires you to have a go at putting this army together.  

Figures Baccus, bases Warbases, paints Games Workshop acrylics.

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