The Austrians were the most consistent of Napoleon's foes, coming back from defeat after defeat to continue to try to re-establish their rule & influence over the middle of Europe.
Having built the French revolutionary army, I turned to the Austrians. Whilst the Austrian uniform remained fairly consistent (white coats and trousers), their headgear went through 3 distinct styles - 1792-1798 Kasket, 1798-1809 Raupenhelm and 1809 onwards Shako.
Someone suggested the Baccus AWI loyalist troops as good proxies for troops in Kaskets, I bought a packet, was convinced and started painting....
The Army
The Generals
The General figures are accompanied by mounted escorts. All wear the Tricorne.
Heavy Cavalry - the Kuirassiers
Front left are the Karabiniers, with yellow lace edging to their hats. Kuirassiers wore black painted front armour, but none at the back.
Medium Cavalry - Dragoons
Light Cavalry - Cheveaux Legere
The uniform was in transition from green to white, with either colour being correct, depending on the regiment. These were featured in an earlier blog here - there is now a regiment in both green and white.
Light Cavalry - Hussars & Lancers
As the uniforms for the Lancers & Hussars are basically the same in the whole period, I use my 1809 cavalry. As I haven't done the 1809 Gallery yet, here's what they look like!
The Austrian Grenadiers were the elite of the army and used for assaults. I've included a rear view to show the brightly coloured patches on the rear of the bearskins.
Light Infantry
Grenz infantry - wore brown or white coats, shakos or caskets. The Red cloak is a traditional sign of military service. It also makes for a colourful unit!
Jagers - at this time the Jaegers wore the kasket
Wurmserische Freikorps - Mike, my regular opponent in Leeds, gave me the figures, who are Zoaves from the ACW. With their red fezs, short jackets & baggy trousers, they proved to be ideal for these troops. I've modelled two bases - one for line formation and one as skirmishers.
O'Donel Freikorps - resplendent in green jackets with red facings, another colourful irregular unit to add to the mix.
Luttich Freikorps - in real life quite a small unit, but another dash of colour on the battlefield.
Austrian gunners wore brown, with a mix of Tricorne or Korsehut headgear.
As ever, I hope this page inspires you to have a go at putting this army together.
Figures Baccus, bases Warbases, paints Games Workshop acrylics.
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