Gallery 2 - Napoleonic - Saxon 1809 BBB Army

Saxon army of 1809 - organised for BBB rules


Marshal Bernadotte & ADC

Saxon 1st Inf Div (& Grenadiers)

Saxon 2nd Inf Div

Artillery in close up:

Saxon Grenadiers, including Leib Grenadier Garde

Leib Grenadier Garde.

In order to get the troops I wanted, I used a hand routing tool to remove the plume and resculpt the back of Baccus Prussian Grenadiers.  I managed both to NOT break any soldiers and NOT cut my fingers - though my cutting mat has some interesting gouges!

Finally - Saxon Cavalry....

Garde du Corps

Cuirassiers - or "Kuirassiers".....


  1. Very nice! When did the Saxon army re-uniform - in 1810?

  2. Dear JWH. It was 1810. Basically infantry became French looking. Cavalry got shakos and helmets. A good excuse to buy more figures!
