Monday 11 May 2020

Lockdown BBB war-game II - Skalitz

Ladies & Gentlemen

We have started Skalitz - the second BBB refight of the Austro-Prussian War.  As with Nachod, I'll give at least one update per turn and we'll see if the dice gods like the Prussians more than they did at Nachod!

Here's the Map

Here's Chris P's set up at BBB HQ....

The view from the West - the Austrian side:

 The South:

The East (Prussian) view:


  1. In case anyone's wondering, I do know that Eichwald means Oak Wood - the conifers just make it clear which half of the wood is which for victory location purposes!

  2. At least with Lockdown the Forestry Commission won't be checking. Then again, outside, alone, in the sun, going to work - ticks a few of those boxes...

    Does anyone actually do an "oak" rather than "deciduous"?

    1. Sorry, I meant does anyone do specific tree types, rather than just coniferous/deciduous.....

  3. Thank you. It was fun to play. Chris did a good job of rolling dice, interpreting our orders and moving troops. It's worth a go, if you can get some like minded gamers to join in.
