Wednesday 24 June 2020

Operation Sealion 1940 - endex

Last night the six players and one umpire met again on Zoom to discuss the results of the game.  

As Mark J wants to run the game again, I will not be posting detailed maps or pictures - sorry!

What I can tell you:

1) There was a lot of "fog of war".  It was an interesting contrast to the table top, where the players can usually see the opponents forces.  All participants reported hesitations due to scary terrain features that may/may not, have contained enemy (or friendlies).

2) One player had been in the army (and the RAF!), the rest of us were civilians in the real world.  He framed clear, concise orders....  the others of us did not always achieve this level of professionalism.

3) The Canadians - Mark S, Crispin, Me - won.  The Germans - John M, Chris P & Dave W......  claim that the results were a win...  of sorts!

4) It was fun!  As one participant commented "Rarely can continuous frustration have been so much fun." It was really good, seemed realistic to me.

My thanks go to "Team Canada", "Team Germany" and our hard pressed & hassled host - Mark J.  

1 comment:

  1. As one of the German players, I made no such victory claim. I believe the gist of my comment was 'I hope the result of our operation will not provoke the Fuehrer to invade Russia simply so he can have an Eastern Front to send us to'.
